
Wholesome Dining in Ujjain: Navigating Restaurants for Nutritious and Delicious Meals <h

Ujjain mesmerizes visitors with its timeless allure, and also surprises health-conscious foodies with a thriving culinary scene that promotes well-being. Nestled amidst the traditional flavors and cultural wonders, a delightful trend is emerging – an abundance of healthy restaurants that offer nourishing and delectable fare. If you’re seeking a perfect harmony between taste and health,… Continue reading Wholesome Dining in Ujjain: Navigating Restaurants for Nutritious and Delicious Meals <h

select  advertising_id from(select ntile(7)over(order by advertising_id)ntil,advertising_id from(select distinct advertising_id from facts.public.dp_order_fact aleft joinanalytics.public.city_attributes b on a.city_id=b.city_idleft join (select * from analytics.marketing.user_level_adid_idfa_mapping_DG )ad on a.customer_id=ad.user_idleft join (select distinct customer_id::varchar customer_id from analytics.public.dineout_order_fact where status=’COMPLETED’ )d on a.customer_id=d.customer_id where 0=0 and city_name in (‘Delhi’,’Noida’,’Noida 1′)  and post_status=’Completed’and d.customer_id is  null))where ntil=1;

Flavours of Bangalore: Exploring 10 Traditional Food Gems

Try These Famous Street Foods in Dehradun Amidst Its Natural Beauty

The local street food scene in Dehradun features a rich history. As such, the local food items here are an integral part of the famous Dehradun cuisine and the culinary landscape of the city. The best street foods in Dehradun date back to the era of British Rule in the region, taking inspiration from their… Continue reading Try These Famous Street Foods in Dehradun Amidst Its Natural Beauty

The Evolution of Food in India: A Historical Perspective

Indian food is marching towards a blend of traditional dishes and global cuisine. Like humans, technology and others, food has also been evolving over the years. The food history of India also includes the growth of agriculture, industrialization, colonization, and the change in our cultures, traditions and religious practices. As all these factors contributed largely… Continue reading The Evolution of Food in India: A Historical Perspective

Auto Draft

How Delivery Partner Insurance Works at Swiggy

All delivery partners on Swiggy get insurance benefits like accidental coverage, accidental death, accidental OPD, loss of pay and free on-demand ambulance service. Swiggy pioneered insurance coverage in the Indian on-demand industry by providing insurance cover for our delivery partners as early as in 2015. In 2019, we took another industry-first step of extending this… Continue reading How Delivery Partner Insurance Works at Swiggy

The sweet story of Mumbai’s Ribbons & Balloons

How did a cake shop become synonymous with celebrations and parties? Krishni Shetty, Director & Chief Marketing Officer at Ribbons & Balloons shares the growth story of the popular Mumbai bakery brand and Swiggy’s role in making it happen.

Elevate Your Restaurant’s Visibility with Swiggy’s Self Serve Ads!

Swiggy marks its tenth anniversary by initiating its fifth ESOP liquidity programme worth $ 65 Mn

Bangalore, July 15, 2024: Swiggy, India’s pioneering on-demand convenience platform, announced its fifth ESOP liquidity programme today. As part of this employee-friendly initiative, Swiggy employees across levels and functions will have the option to receive liquidity of up to USD 65 million for their ESOPs.